October 14th

On 14th October 1498, Richard Symonde of Beverley claimed sanctuary at the church of St John, Beverley, for debt, to avoid or delay his creditors pursuing him.

On 14th October 1523, Henry Draper, a draper from Snaith, claimed sanctuary at the church of St John for debt.

On 14th October 1654, Elizabeth Roberts of Beverley was charged with witchcraft at York Castle, for attacking John Greencliffe in the forms of a cat and a bee. She seems to have avoided the gallows.

On 14th October 1854, Queen Victoria visited Hull, to huge celebrations; she knighted the Mayor, Sir Henry Cooper, at the pier. In the group of worthies welcoming her were Lord Hotham and Robert Raikes, descendants of the Hull Governor and Mayor who shut the gates against King Charles I.  Joseph Robinson Pease in his diary said ‘Hull has now wiped off the disgrace of 200 years’.

On 14th October 1869, Joseph Duveen was born in English Street, Hull. He became the greatest art dealer of his time, possibly of all time. He was knighted, eventually becoming Lord Duveen, and was made a freeman of Hull in 1929. He sold European Old Masters to the US. Donated works to the Ferens Gallery, British Museum, National Gallery and Tate Gallery. Died 1939.


lord duveen